Memory Campus Community

The members of the Memory Campus Community consist of individuals from information management, archive, library, and museum sector companies and organizations, research, development, and education organizations, as well as public sector entities.

Memoriaali-verkkopalvelun seminaari, kuva tauolla olevasta yleisöstä Paukkulan auditorion aulassa istumassa

The goals of Memory Campus Community

The goal of the Memory Campus Community is to develop the industry and the Memory Campus Cluster. The community listens to the development ideas and perspectives of member organizations so that they can also be taken into account in the development of Memory Campus. The purpose is to gather experts from various fields, create collaboration opportunities among companies and organizations, build trust between parties, and engage individuals from organizations involved in Memory Campus in future activities and development.

Are you interested in hearing more about the Memory campus Community? Contact cluster coordinator Kati Saltiola for more information: kati.saltiola(at)

MC-community events:

Upcoming events:

  • Wednesday 20.3.2024, 14-15:30, hybrid meeting, Xamk, Mikkeli OR Teams

Past events:

  • Thursday 14.12.2023, 14–16, hybrid meeting, Xamk, Mikkeli OR Teams
  • Monday 18.9.2023, 14–16, South Savo Regional Council
  • Monday 24.4.2023, 14–15:30, Saimaa Stadium, Mikkeli